Save time and effort managing your club
If you run a club with members who regularly meet up somewhere to do something, Rally can help. I took over the management of a large cycling club in 2020, and faced with the task of scheduling frequent rides with multiple groups and assigning leaders to all of them, I decided to build an app. I started simple and listened to feedback. As a leader and member of the group, I was in a great position to see what worked and was able make revisions to meet the needs of the club.
The app has been used over three full seasons, and has saved me hundreds of hours. The feedback from our club members and leaders has been extremely positive.
I'm proud of it, and it's now on offer to other clubs.

Who's it for?
Rally works best for medium to large clubs with pre-scheduled events.
What kind of events?
Almost anything, but Rally's features are geared towards clubs who offer outdoor activities that follow a route.
What does it do?
Rally allows you to schedule events, assign leaders, and manage your members. It also provides a way for members to sign up for events and for leaders to manage group size and routes.
- iOS and Android versions of your app in the app stores
- Branded entirely as your own app, with your colours, logo, and language
- Add pages for your club details for new and existing members
- Manage you members and leader permissions
- Manage group sizes, routes, and signup windows
- Schedule your events
- Post alerts and updates
- View signup lists for each event
Anyone may download your app and see any content you wish to make public, but only people who sign up using the email addresses on your member list will have access to your events and club-specific content.
You can create events in the app one at a time, or set up your entire season. Events can just post details of the next meetup with a location, date, and time, or could be a complex group of activities with associated routes and separate signup lists. You can choose to only post events on the day they occur, or weeks in advance. Signups for activities can be limited to a certain amount of people, and can open and close on your own schedule.
For cycling, running, or walking clubs who have activities on a set route, Rally is set up to import any public route from Strava or RideWithGPS and automatically display in the app with distances and a route profile. You can manage a list of your routes to be selected each time you schedule an activity. You may also choose leaders from your member list. Members designated as leaders will have access to the list of people signed up for each event as well as their emergency contact information.
For all scheduled activities with an assigned route, Rally will grab and update local weather details to show your members the forecast for the event.
If your club has a designated set of leaders, they will have access in the app to a leader contact list, and a schedule of activities they are assigned to lead.
Get in touch to discuss your club's needs and to get a quote. Use the email link below, or use our chat tool .